Tools & Templates for Content Marketing

Content Marketing Institute


Keep Your Content On-Strategy With This Single Statement [Templates]

A lot of companies and workshop attendees don't have a clear idea of what they hope to accomplish with their content. Or if they do have a clear idea, it’s not written down. Sound familiar?

That’s why it's important to spend a lot of time helping content professionals put their strategies into words. One of the most powerful things to do is boil down their words to a single statement: a core content strategy statement.


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6 Tools to Help Turn Trends Into Valuable Content

Covering relevant timely and newsworthy content is a great way to grow your site audience and take advantage of trends that get people more interested and thus more engaged.

Trending content is anything new and hot that has the Internet buzzing. 

Tools: drumuphashtagifygoogleTrendsfeedmyinboxredditbuzzfeed


The Ultimate Blog Marketing Checklist: 65 Tips, Tools, and Resources

Success at blog marketing depends on a myriad of content, design, technical, and promotional factors. Though it would be prohibitively exhausting to excel at all of them simultaneously, the good news is that there are many small changes you can make that can significantly improve the success of your blog content over the long term.


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54 Content Writing Examples, Tools, Tips, and Resources

Consuming great writing is like listening to a great singer. If the performer makes anemotional connection with me – even though she misses a few notes – I eagerly listen to the rest of the song and anticipate the next performance.

A year ago, I shared helpful lessons on powerful and effective text with 48 examples, tools, tips, and resources. Today, I share those plus another six to help you win over as many of your readers as possible.

Tools: CanvaWebpagefxAminstitute-HeadlineCoschedule-Headline-analyzer


7 Less Obvious Tools to Improve Your Visual Content

You really can’t have enough tools for your visuals to make your content stand out. New tools bring more inspiration, creativity, and more ways to get your images in front of relevant audiences.

The more tools you get to know, the more you are able to experiment, and the more varied your visual marketing tactics become. Therefore, I share some newer, less-discussed visual marketing tools to help you improve and diversify your visual content marketing strategy.

Tools: HaikudeckBannersnackDatawrapperLaterTweetjukeboxViralcontentbuzz


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A Template to Simplify Your Editorial Reporting 

We all have the best of intentions to communicate regularly with our teams about what content is working well in editorial. Yet, too often those intentions become overwhelmed by the day-to-day activities.

A systematic approach to editorial reporting, however, can make action possible. And after all, we know that a documented content marketing strategy enables content marketing programs to be more effective. Imagine what a documented editorial reporting plan could do for your team.
